What is a Dojo?
Answering this starts with what Aikido is.
When I asked Sugano Sensei what Aikido was, taking his forefinger and drawing a large invisible circle in the air, he said, "All Aikido is a circle. Many things in it. If you point at one place and say, 'that is Aikido,' then that is all it is. Aikido is more." Remembering his words, now over 20 years ago, that I keep and repeat to myself from time to time, I think the 'more' was 'More' or perhaps 'more'. (Sensei had a wonderful way of talking in italics at times, with a twinkle in his eye.)
Aikido is something large, larger than words at times can hold. It's a Jujitsu, a battlefield fighting art; "Aikido is love" and care for others; it's Budo, martial spirit; it's philosophy; it is physical, mental fitness and healing; and for myself, the Founder, Sugano Sensei, a deep and profound spiritual path.
My job as a teacher is to make a place that is all these things. My moral responsibility as a person is to ensure that part of this is martial so that people can defend themselves and defend others if needed, exactly as it has protected me many times from the dangers I faced in my travels and service. The dojo, though, is always about the "more" than just one thing.
Part of the dojo is payment. We need to keep the lights on. Even with our minimal footprint, we still barely break even at times. At other times, we have had to pay from our dojo reserves.
I bring up payment because with the new administration a number of people and families are experiencing hardship right now. I have had three discussions in the last week.
Yamada Sensei's command was, "Everyone who attends the dojo must pay. No exceptions!" At NY Aikikai everyone paid- some with money, some what they could. My friend James was a painter, and so yearly he painted the dojo and did other handy work. 'Carpet Bob' famously, supplied and installed the dojo carpet. Sugano Sensei talked about after the war Japan being so poor, families would bringing rice balls, chickens, food, as payment to O Sensei's family. A father gave the family sword to Kisshomaru Doshu for his son to learn. Doshu kept and returned it years later.
I was, am no exception. I have paid for my Aikido in years of cleaning toilets and sweeping mats. When I set up HEA, I put all my savings from over 4 years of Iraq/Afghanistan blood, sweat, and combat into it, to two years later... had very little left. Aikido has given me much, so I gave what was required without regret to start and continue this dojo.
A dojo is "more". Our dojo is more. Please support as you can. We are a community, so lets talk if there is hardship. Aikido is a circle. We give as we can and as we give, we also receive.
Andy Reinhart
Andy was a fellow uchi deshi at NY Aikikai before I was there. He left being uchi deshi to become a commander in SEAL Team 3. He is a Gulf War veteran, having seen combat there as a SEAL, before transitioning to join the FBI. While in the FBI, he was supporting efforts when he was in a helicopter that was shot down. I have asked Andy, as he lives locally and is a friend, as well as my AA sponsor, to join our dojo Board for a year to lead us as President. I will remain Dojo-cho, but Andy will give a year to us to help take us from where we are as a dojo into, hopefully, a new, more permanent space. He will be teaching the 2nd class Saturday.
March. Sensei Gentil Pennewaert will return to Aikido of Chester County on 22 March. Gentil Sensei was a close follower of Sugano Sensei as well so please try to attend.
11-13. Ely's Ford Aikido (https://www.elysfordaikido.com/) will host my friend and fellow instructor Alex Peterson. I will be attending 12 April, so please consider joining me.
26, 27. Our friends at Aikido of Arlington will host Sensei Pat Hendricks. She is a wonderful teacher and Aikidoka, so please attend if you can.
May. Weekend dojo trip to Sensei Harvey Konisgberg's Aikido of Woodstock, May 3rd. This is an important trip for our dojo and students individually. All the great teachers I knew are gone. Harvey is the last. I need as many people as possible to join us to take a little magic from this great man, this great teacher.
June. I will be hosting Sensei Alex Peterson and he will teach on the 28th at HEA. Lunch to follow.
July. USAF Summer Camp, 26-31 July.
August. Aikido of Fredericksburg Friendship Seminar. Gayer Sensei and myself will be instructing, 30 August.
September. Heaven and Earth Mountain Training, 6 Sept.
Brian Ericksen
Heaven and Earth Aikido
"Aikido is love... We must help others around."
Sensei Seiichi Sugano