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"Have to do practice, meditation, prayer." 2024 Mountain Training reading 3/3.

Writer's picture: Brian EricksenBrian Ericksen

March 15, 2009.  Trip to NY Aikikai for black belt class. Reviewed and corrected previous Washington notes with Sensei at lunch after. Discussion starts from him previously saying that Aikido is not a martial art.

Sugano Sensei. “Aikido could be classified as Japanese martial art.  Developed among samurai society.  Techniques at base are fighting.  Aikido is not martial art but it has many levels.  The beginning is self defense and then there is next level and next as one develops and starts to have higher understandings."

BE: "I have moved gradually from the time I was training and living in the dojo back to my Christian roots... Tenkan I think is similar to turning the other cheek.  I am searching for a way to bring together my understandings.  Do you see a compatibility?"

Sugano Sensei.  "O Sensei related to his gods. To the universe.  It is wrong to relate this to Christianity. O Sensei described universal energy as love.  Quite different than Christianity.  For O Sensei god is creation which equals love.  Every universal action = love.  Shinto describes every action as based on love.  Doesn’t have any relationship to person.  The love is to gods.  Thanks to his creators.  Nothing dealing with people.  O Sensei never talk about people.  Related to Gods.  Hopefully other people feel the same thing.  If not, no harmony.  However, O Sensei’s understanding not having to do with human relationships."

BE.  "If it is not about personal relationships then why not use Aikido just as a martial art.  Why should we be considerate to others?"

Sugano Sensei. "Because (Aikido is to) make unity with God. Must detach from the martial in order to make unity.  The problem is the way.  People are always thinking different things.  Always interpreting from ourselves."

BE.  "I don’t understand.  I cannot leave myself??  I cannot walk away from my body or my mind or my ego.  They are me.  How am I not to interpret from myself?"

Sugano Sensei.  "If you focus on the training you will understand.  Not martial training, just training.  You must be humble and not fill yourself with false ego about martial training."

BE. "This false ego is this why it is bad to (use Aikido as a martial art)?"

Sugano Sensei.  "Don’t do that!!  Aikido teaches to get into good position.  Technique must be functional but not martial.  It is not to abuse people.  If you are in good position you must take care. Continuous study involves layer on layer of study, each layer so different.  This is the best way to study.  Study technique, functionality.  Study spirituality."

BE. "You have spoken on spirituality.  What is the way that we should approach spiritual study in Aikido?"

Sugano Sensei.  "Just basic meditation.  Insight meditation.  Meditation builds self understanding. Prayer.  In meditation try to understand self.  In prayer try to communicate with God. That is mostly prayer. Meditation has problem of ego.  Meditation gives understanding but increases ego.  Prayer is giving away ego.  Prayer makes humble.  Once achieve a certain level though cannot go more as prayer is about giving away.  Not best solution.  Have to do practice, meditation, prayer.  Together they increase understanding, make humble and increase layer on layer."

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